“I was throughly Impresed by the Impact Blockchain Conference you hosted in Paris at the Academy of Climate”
Xochitl Cazador, CELO
Xochitl Cazador, CELO
“This is an excellent team and very capable.”Hadar Rottenberg, Good Dollar
“Well done for this fantastic organization! It’s a format that should inspire us to move away from silo presentations.” Carole Lipsyc, INGIES
“I’ve had the chance of participating to the Impact Blockchain Conference during Paris EthCC Week and I must say, it was one of best organized events in which I have ever had the opportunity to participate.” Louise Borreani, Curve Labs
“It was a wonderful event, clearly organized with love! Also great to see that most of the panels were very gender-balanced.” The opening panel on energy was all-female! Florence Maher, OECD

We help your organization explore the next phase of the internet (Web3) possibilities to scale up climate solutions and improve social impacts.
We believe that through transparency, traceability, immutability, valuing contributions and redefining value, blockchain technology is an essential tool to support the Climate transition.